- The wind hissed and curled across the sand, raising eddies of dust that stung Trevana's legs and left a patina of grit on her skin and clothes. Squinting, she looked out over the dunes and then drew a ragged scrap of cloth over her nose and mouth.
- "The Sand Wastes are no place for a human, Trevana, said her companion, a mul named Zerik. The warrior had to shout to make herself heard above the wind. "I wouldn't wish a journey across that on a baazrag.
- Trevana nodded. "In hardship is possible to grow strong," she replied. "For months now I have felt that it was time to return, to re-examine my self and my life. Zerik snorted. "Well, be careful," she said, her brow furrowing. "Our tribe will miss your wisdom and skill.
- Trevana smiled and turned away. "I'll be back," she said, and then set off into the dusty wasteland.
A psionicist can meditate to explore her own potential and limitations, seeking to become a stronger individual. In game terms, this allows the character to improve an ability score for psionic purposes, possibly increasing her reserve of PSPs and affecting any power scores based on that ability.
Self-improvement meditation is a slow and uncertain process. The base time is 50 days. A character seeking self-improvement will often have to leave a campaign for several adventures.
When the character successfully completes her meditations, she gains one ability point that may be applied to Wisdom, Constitution, or Intelligence for psionic purposes only. The psionicist recalculates her PSP total based on the higher score and may refigure any power scores based on that ability. The character's original score is used for all other game purposes.
- Example: Trevana is a 6th-level psychokinetic with an Intelligence score of 14, a Wisdom of 17, and a Constitution of 16. She requires 50 days to meditate. When she finishes, she decides to increase her Intelligence to 15, improving all Intelligence-based power scores by one.
A psionicist may not perform this meditation more than once every other experience level, and may not increase an ability by more than 3 points above its normal score.