This spell stops the effects of oncoming seasickness in its recipient. If unable to do so before, that person also gains the ability to balance and manoeuvre easily even on a violently heaving deck, just as the most experienced sailor can . At the DM's discretion, a person under the effect of this spell need not make Dexterity ability checks for shipboard actions in stormy weather that could easily be done in calm weather.
The reversed version of this spell, land legs, causes the target of the spell to make a Dexterity ability check to move or attack while on board a ship or boat. Failure of the check means the character falls down and a second check is required to stand up again.
The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol and a tiny vial of strong-smelling chemicals.
Notes: Granted by Valkur, Captain of the Waves, of the Forgotten Realms setting.