Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

As detailed in Chapter 3, a paladin's ethos compels him to put his life on the line far more often than other characters. While companions may hesitate, a paladin will fight to the last enemy, volunteer for near-suicidal missions, and face death to defend a principle.

To compensate for these risks, a paladin's faith grants increased immunity to poisons, death magic, and similar hazards. This immunity is manifested as a permanent +2 bonus to all saving throws. The bonuses take effect at 1st level. Table 5 in Chapter 1 summarizes the paladin's saving throws.

These bonuses do not apply to a paladin's ability checks. A paladin with a Strength of 16 attempts a Strength check at 16, not 18. However, the paladin does benefit from the saving-throw bonuses available to other characters, such as those awarded for high Dexterity and Wisdom scores (shown on Tables 2 and 5 in the PH) and magical armor.
