Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

There are a lot of ways to run a Savages campaign. Here are only a few of them:

Just Like Barbarians and Berserkers: A campaign featuring savages as the player-characters could be run practically identically to the campaigns given for the Barbarians and Berserkers descriptions above. The main difference is that Savage characters are considerably more distanced from civilization than barbarians are. They don't understand it nearly as well and are likely to be alarmed, scared, offended or put off by many more features of the civilized world than the barbarian character. They're not as likely to want to become rulers in the outside world, because they don't like it as much.

Jungle Kings: You could have the campaign revolve around a Jungle King: A powerful savage warrior who may have been reared by or spirit-bonded with some sort of noble animal (apes, wolves, lions, etc.). The Jungle King character is often the friend of one savage tribe (including the other player-characters), and can lead them on all sorts of fantastic adventures. Treasure-hunting trips into eerie valleys (populated by lost tribes, monsters out of ancient legend, or dangerous and alien wizards), and elaborate raiding missions against the encroachments of civilization, are two good examples. Also, the Jungle King seems always to fall in love with a woman from the outer-world civilization, and she, in turn, has a tendency to be kidnapped out of her new jungle haven; other adventures can involve missions to rescue her. (Naturally, a Jungle Queen character could find herself a civilized mate with the same inclinations toward being kidnapped.)

Savages In the Big City: If you're interested in playing a comedy adventure, try running a scenario where a group of savage player-characters must enter a huge civilized city (for any of the noble reasons discussed earlier, such as a rescue), but play the adventure for laughs. The savages will probably be as sneaky and clever as ever at creeping across rooftops in the moonlight, but try confronting them with objects and situations more likely to get a laugh than a combat response. Savages from the unspoiled wilderness will not know how to cope with elemental-powered self-driving chariots, bureaucracy, distilled liquors, wizards, familiars, parades, magically-animated street-sweeper machinery, dancing brooms cleaning out the mage's tower, talking swords, dance-halls for the undead, or any such thing.
