Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Mechanicians developed this spell so they wouldn't need to be without their special tools. When cast, it magically fashions a small tool set (useful for working on mechanicals) from a small area of sand.

The spell creates a number of standard tools: hammer, wrench, screwdriver, crowbar, etc. All these tools are formed from sand but have the strength of iron. Additionally, they adjust their size to fit the current need, making them quite useful by duplicating a wide variety of tool sizes and uses. Thieves' tools cannot be dupli­cated in this way.

However, these tools cannot be carried about and used whenever needed. The spell ties them into the task at hand, and when that task is com­pleted the spell expires. Thus, while the spell may last seven hours, if the job the tools were created for only takes three hours, the tools will disappear at that time. Also, if anyone attempts to use the tools as weapons, they immediately dissipate.

The material component for this spell is a small bagful of sand from which the tools can be drawn as needed.

Notes: Common for spellcasters from an Arabian setting; otherwise, very rare.
