In a long and involved ceremony performed during Mulhorandi burial rites, this spell sanctifies the corporeal body according to the tenets of the Mulhorandi faith, allowing eternal safe haven for the ba, the animate life force, and passage to the afterlife for the ka, the spirit twin containing the personality and conciousness. If a properly mummified corporeal body sanctified by this spell is ever disturbed or its tomb despoiled, Osiris send the spirit of a divine minion to animate the mummy and cooperate with the resting ba to drive the grave robbers from the tomb. Such a mummy is lawful neutral in alignment, lacks the scabrous touch (mummy rot) of an invoked member of the ancient dead, exists only so long as defilers walk in the tomb sanctified in the name of Osiris, is only turnable or commandable by the clergy of Osiri, and cannot be resurrected. In addition, it is not specially vulnerable to fire, taking no damage from torches, 2d6 (first round) and 1d6 (second round) from a direct hit from burning oil, and no additional damage from magical fire. Finally, it is immune to damage from either holy or unholy water except for unholy water created by the church of Set, from which it takes 2d4 points of damage from a direct hit.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi deity Osiris of the Forgotten Realms setting.