Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Athas is a world of intrigue and treachery, of shady deals and secretive organizations. In short, it’s a rogue’s paradise. Beyond the cities, in the wasteland villages and among the slave tribes, thieves live by their wits and skills. Within the secure walls of the city-states, many typically roguish occupations have become institutions unto themselves. Thieves and bards have

become pawns of the wealthy, deployed in deadly games of deceit between noble families, merchant houses, and even other sorcerer-kings. There are still those, however, who use their disreputable talents toward noble ends, but they are especially rare.

The bard is a rogue who uses songs and tales as his tools of trade. He’s a person of wit and camaraderie. Despite having few other talents to offer, the bard is a welcome source of entertainment and information across Athas. However, bards are noted to be extremely untrustworthy and even ruthless-they often sell their skills as assassins and poison alchemists to the highest bidder.

The thief is a rogue whose strengths lie in stealth and pilfering. On Athas, the thief can be regarded as a talented individual for hire. Some city-states don’t even consider the thief to be a wrongdoer; only the person who hired him is guilty of a crime. The thief may also be a simple robber seeking personal wealth or redemption.

The trader is a rogue who specializes in commerce and mercantile endeavors. Hagglers of great skill and procurers of fertile imagination, traders are welcome throughout Athas by ordinary citizens for the goods they deal in.
