Rod of Cancellation: This dreaded rod is a bane to all classes, for its touch drains items of all magical properties unless a saving throw versus the cancellation is made. Contact is made by making a normal attack roll in melee combat.
Saving Throw |
Item |
20 | Potion |
19 | Scroll |
17 | Ring |
14 | Rod |
13 | Staff |
15 | Wand |
12 | Miscellaneous magical item |
3 | Artifact or relic |
11 (8) | Armor or shield (if +5) |
9 (7) | Sword (holy sword) |
10 | Miscellaneous weapon* |
- * Several small items, such as magical arrows or bolts together in one container, will be drained simultaneously.
To find out if the draining can be prevented, a d20 roll must be made for the target item. If the die roll result in a number equal to or higher than the number listed on the table above, the target is unaffected. If the roll is lower, the item is drained. Upon draining an item, the rod itself becomes brittle and cannot be used again. Drained items are not restorable, even by wish.