Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

By using this spell, the wizard causes a normal item of metal, stone, or earth to return to the sand from which it was made. The spell af­fects a single item but can also target a 5 x 5 x 1-foot area if so desired.

The item receives a saving throw vs. spell if carried by a creature; otherwise, the base saving throw is 17. Failure means it immediately crum­bles into sand. It will remain sand until the end of the spell's duration, at which point it returns to its original form. If the affected area is part of a larger whole, when it returns to its original form it will also return to the whole from which it came. This occurs even if the sand has been dispersed.

This spell has no effect on creatures of any kind, including golems or other enchanted con­structs. The return to sand spell has no effect on magical items.

Notes: Common for spellcasters from an Arabian setting; otherwise, very rare.
