Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Retrospection is a kind of psionic seance. It allows psionicists to delve into the past and locate memories that have been loosed from other minds. A psionicist must join at least two other psionicists in a convergence before he can use this power. He - or one of the other participants in the convergence then poses a question regarding a specific event in the past. To find the answer, the psionicist must make a successful power check.

When retrospection succeeds, the characters tap into a universal, pervasive memory. They have access to any information that ever existed in anyone's memory regarding the incident they are investigating. The amount of detail that comes to mind depends on power check results:

1 extremely vague and fragmentary
2 vague or incomplete
3-5 complete but not very specific
6+ reasonably complete and specific

Memories bear the mark of the personalities who created them. The DM should role-play the memories accordingly, not just recite information. If the psionicists' alignments differ significantly from the memories' alignments, reaction rolls are in order. Memories can be polite and helpful, or they can be cantankerous and downright rude. Memories which have lain undisturbed for centuries may be angered by the intrusion, or they may be delighted for the chance to air themselves out and bring the truth to light.

Power Score - No other effect

20 - No other effect.
