Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki


Like members of other classes, psionicists must abide by restrictions when choosing weapons and armor, and in selecting nonweapon proficiencies.

Weapons: Psionicists tend to disdain weapons of any sort, given the crudeness and imprecision of such tools compared to psychic weaponry. Still, a good sidearm is indispensable for a last-ditch personal defense, and it's essential when a display of psionic power would be inappropriate. Also, in the rough-and-tumble frontier areas where adventurers are common, appearing in public without a weapon often invites ridicule and trouble.

Psionicists can use any of the common weapons listed below. Essentially, these are most small- or medium-sized weapons weighing 6 pounds or less.

short bow throwing axe
hand crossbow horseman's mace
light crossbow horseman's pick
dagger scimitar
dirk spear
knife short sword
club war hammer
hand axe

Armor: Psionicists can don armor made of padded leather, studded leather, or hide. They can also carry a small shield.

A psionicist can use his powers while wearing a helmet that is psionically active, or one featuring magical enchantments that affect or simulate psionic powers. But if the psionicist is wearing a normal helmet of any sort, he cannot use his powers. Removing a normal helmet won't affect the character's armor class, but it may have other effects defined by the Dungeon Master. For example, a thief who approaches the psionicist from behind may find the psionicist easy prey. Or, if the DM allows called shots, the character's bare head might present a tempting target.

Optional Rule: A DM may allow psionicists to wear any sort of armor, but impose penalties for heavy armor that's made of metal (see Table 9). This rule creates an across-the-board reduction in psionic power scores when a psionicist wears the inappropriate armor.

Table 9: Psionicist Armor Penalties

Armor Psionic
Power Score
Padded, leather, studded
leather, hide
Brigandine, ring, scale,
sprint mail
Chain, banded mail -2
Plate mail -3
Field plate -5
Full plate -7