Repair injury is intended for use in campaigns featuring the critical hit or critical strike rules. This spell addresses one specific injury or wound (see Chapter 8 ). It can be used to knit a broken bone, alleviate the swelling and pain of a sprain or a twist, or repair soft-tissue damage such as an injured eye, ear, or a severed tendon. If used as a simple curing spell, repair injury restores 1d10+1 hit points to the injured character, but if used to address the effects of a specific injury, repair injury automatically removes one grazed, struck, injured, or broken condition, and alleviates any combat, movement, or maximum hit point penalties associated with the injury in question. The spell does not restore any lost hit points to the victim, other than the 1d10+1 that are incidental to the working of the spell.
Beran, a fighter with 44 hit points, is struck by an ogre’s club. The blow inflicts 12 points of damage, but Beran also suffers a broken hip. This injury will reduce him to a maximum of 25% of his normal total, so Beran’s current hit points drop from 32 to 11 after the battle ends. In addition, he is not capable of moving or attacking due to the effects of the injury.
When the smoke clears, Talmos the priest comes to Beran’s aid. Using repair injury, he knits Beran’s broken hip. The spell cures 6 hit points in the process. Beran no longer suffers the movement or attack penalties for a broken hip and has 17 hit points to his credit. With time or additional healing, he can regain his normal total of 44.
Repair injury is also helpful in dealing with wounds that fall in the crushed, shattered, or destroyed category. This spell reduces the severity of the injury to the broken level, which means it heals as if it were 20d6 lost hit points. Only one repair injury can be used on any given wound, so a character with a shattered knee could still require a lot of time to recover after an application of this spell.
Severed limbs, destroyed eyes or ears, and ability score losses caused by injuries cannot be healed by this spell. Repair injury is the equivalent of cure serious wounds for the purpose of slowing or stopping bleeding.
Notes: Uncommon for clerics, provided the optional system is used (PO:SM).