Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Regenerate (Priest Spell).

With this power the psionicist can repair permanent injuries that natural healing could not restore. Severed limbs can be regrown, blindness or deafness repaired, and even paralysing in]unes to the brain or spinal cord can be healed. The psionicist is capable of healing such injuries in himself as well as in others if the need arises.

Regeneration is a slow and tedious process. It requires one full turn to repair minor damage such as the loss of a finger, a broken bone, or non-destructive loss of eyesight or hearing. Three full turns are required to heal a badly broken bone or regenerate a mangled hand or foot, and as many as six turns to regenerate an arm severed at the elbow or eyes that were physically destroyed. The DM should use his best judgment in deciding how long it will take to repair any given injury.

Regeneration can be used to repair the damage caused by a disease, but cannot cure a disease. It can also restore lost ability points (Constitution, Dexterity, etc.) that may have been lost to the ravages of disease or injury. Regenerate can't improve a person beyond his original condition, so growing extra arms, for example, is not possible.

Power Score: The healing proceeds twice as fast as would be normally expected.

20: The psionicist suffers 1d12 points of damage but the patient is unaffected.
