You already know how fast characters recover the use of damaged Hit Locations when those locations are Useless: It takes only 2d6 minutes.
But there are a couple of other types of recovery which need some elaboration.
Recovery Of Temporary Damage[]
As you know, damage from Punching, Martial Arts, and the Sap maneuver is 25% normal and 75% temporary.
This means, whenever a character is sustaining damage from one of these attacks, he must calculate which portion of it is normal, "permanent" damage, which must be healed by magic or by medicine, and which portion is temporary, which will wear off after a while.
Recording Temporary Damage[]
Usually, it's too much trouble to calculate proportions on every attack you sustain. Instead, keep a separate track of all damage you receive in a single combat from Punching, Martial Arts, and Sap attacks. When the combat is over, divide them up into Normal and Temporary damage. When you have a fraction of .5 (or less) on the Normal Damage result, round down; all the rest of the damage is Temporary damage.
Example: Sir Amstard is in a boxing match with the devastating Cassius, and is getting the worst of it. He takes one shot for 5 points of damage, another for 6, and another for 3, and on this third shot Cassius successfully rolls his Knockout percentage. Amstard is knocked out.
Amstard has sustained a total of 14 points of damage. One-fourth, or 25%, of that is Normal Damage. That's 3.5, which we round down to 3. He's taken 3 points of Normal Damage. The remaining 11 points are Temporary damage.
Recovering From Temporary Damage[]
A character recovers from Temporary Damage at a rate of 1 hit point every five minutes. If Temporary Damage has caused a character to go unconscious, he'll recover consciousness when he returns to 1 hit point or more.
Example: Amstard, above, took 11 points of damage before he was knocked out. He'll recover one point of damage every 5 minutes. After 55 minutes, he'll be as healthy as he can be until his Normal Damage is also healed up. However, since it wasn't the Temporary Damage he took that knocked him out, but a Knockout result from a Punching attack, he won't wake up from recovery of Temporary Damage; recovery from Knockout is handled differently.
Magical Healing and Temporary Damage[]
When a character who has sustained both Normal and Temporary damage receives magical healing, the healing spell first heals the Normal (real) Damage. If it heals all the Normal Damage, it then goes to work on the Temporary Damage.
Example: Let us say Amstard receives a cure light wounds spell immediately after being knocked out. The priest rolls a 6 on 1d8. The first three points of healing cure his three points of Normal Damage. The remaining three are applied to his Temporary Damage. When that's all done, Amstard is down 0 points of Normal Damage and 8 points of Temporary Damage.
Recovery From Knockout[]
A Knockout result can be reached from Punching and Martial Arts attacks and from the Sap maneuver.
When a character is knocked out, he must immediately make a System Shock percentile roll (see "Table 3: Constitution," in the Player's Handbook. Page 15.) If he makes the roll, he will awaken in 2d6 minutes. If he fails the roll, he will awaken in 2d6 hours.
Temporary Damage and Knockout[]
If a character sustained enough Temporary Damage to render him unconscious in the same blow as he suffered a Knockout, he doesn't wake up until conditions for recovery of both the Temporary Damage and the Knockout are met.
Example: In a rematch, Amstard pounds Cassius silly until his last blow knocks him out. That last blow reduced him to –3 hit points, rendering him unconscious, and Amstard also successfully rolled for Knockout on percentile dice. So, when does Cassius wake up?
It will take Cassius 20 minutes to recover 4 points of Temporary Damage, which will put him at 1 hp and let him wake up. Cassius rolls his System Shock roll and is successful, meaning that he will wake up from Knockout after 2d6 minutes. He rolls a 7, so he would wake up in 7 minutes.
But both recoveries have to finish for him to wake up. After 7 minutes, he's still unconscious, and will stay that way until 20 minutes are up.
Magical Healing and Knockout[]
If a character who has been Knocked Out receives healing magic (a cure light wounds spell or any more powerful healing spell, excluding irrelevant spells such as cure disease or neutralize poison), and he successfully made his System Shock roll, he'll wake up immediately (provided, as usual, that he's above 0 hit points).
If he receives healing magic but failed his System Shock Roll, the magic still helps him: He may now calculate his recovery as though he successfully made his System Shock roll.