This power allows a psionicist to store psionic energy in a special receptacle. The psionicist can draw upon the energy later to fuel his other psionic powers. He cannot use these points when his total pool of psionic strength is at its maximum. However, he can keep the stored PSPs on hand until he's running low on psionic energy, and then use them immediately (it's like storing a pint of your own blood at a hospital. With a little time, your body replaces the pint. Later, if you should lose blood in an accident or operation, you can use the stored blood to recover the loss quickly).
Before powers can be stored, a receptacle must be prepared. Two types of containers are appropriate: a vessel prepared with empower (a metapsionic science), or a valuable gem that has been specially prepared using the receptacle power.
Empowered Vessel. Any vessel can serve as a receptacle for psionic energy if it is empowered first. The psionicist must perform the initial preparation and final sealing described earlier under "empower." He does not do anything further; the vessel needs no additional powers. It can hold PSPs equal to his psionic potential, multiplied by his experience level.
Valuable Gem. A gem can hold 1 PSP for every 100 gold pieces of its worth, rounded down. For example, a gem worth 650 gold pieces can hold 6 PSPs, and a gem worth 1,000 gold pieces can hold 10 PSPs. The gem still requires preparation, however. To do this, the psionicist must slowly fill the gem with PSPs - l per turn - until the gem reaches maximum capacity (1/100 of its value). The psionicist can do nothing else while filling the gem. When the task is complete, the psionicist must make a power check. If he fails, only one-half of the gem's capacity is useable.
Storing Points. Using his receptacle power, he can automatically place 1 PSP into a properly prepared container per round. When he is finished, the psionicist must make a receptacle power check. If it succeeds, all is well; if it fails, only half the points he expended are stored in the receptacle, while the rest are merely spent.
Using Stored Points. The psionicist can retrieve stored points automatically. The receptacle must be in contact with his flesh. He can never retrieve more points than the receptacle currently holds, nor can he retrieve so many that it raises his current psionic point total above his maximum. No matter how many receptacles he has, a psionicist can never store more PSPs than his maximum total. (For example, if his usual maximum is 100 PSPs, he can store no more than 100.) Only the psionicist who placed the points in the item can use them.
The danger of this power is receptacle loss. If the receptacle is damaged or destroyed, its contents (PSPs) are instantly subtracted from the psionicist's total possible points. This loss is temporary, but until the psionicist is once again back up to his full PSP score he recovers PSPs only half as fast as normal.
Power Score - No other effect.
20 - No other effect.