Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell enables the caster to read the resid­ual psychic impressions in a room or area. (An especially unusual or violent event often leaves behind psychic vibrations that remain for years. The more important the event, the stronger the psychic residue and the longer the impressions last.)

When the wizard casts the spell, the strongest impressions currently in the area enter the caster's mind. The event that produced the psy­chic impressions is replayed in real time, so the replay takes as long to complete as the original event. The replay is crystal clear, so the caster can readily identify persons, creatures, or ob­jects.

If the spell is cast again in the same area, the event that created the second strongest psychic impressions is replayed. The caster can continue replaying past events, reading weaker and weaker psychic impressions, until all psychic residue in the area has been reviewed.

Notes: Uncommon or rare spell (WoG).
