Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell protects a creature from scrying at­tempts and intrusive divination. Clairaudience, clairvoyance, ESP, empathy, telepathy, crystal balls, a magic mirror, and the like will not suc­ceed in locating, detecting, or studying the pro­tected creature. The warded creature immedi­ately becomes aware of the attempt, no matter how great the distance between the scryer and creature. Detect evil/good and know alignment do not work on the protected creature.

If the wizard is the protected creature, the fol­lowing apply: The wizard has a 5% chance per level to learn the location of the scryer after one round of concentration. The scryer receives a saving throw vs. spell; failure reveals the scryer's identity to the wizard.

However, if the scrying is carried out by means of a direct visual link (either through an­other creature or by means of a spell such as wizard eye), then the wizard has only a 5% chance per level to detect the scrying. Only if the linked observer is captured and examined does the wizard have the 5% chance per level to discover the identity of the scryer.

The protection is focused through a star sap­phire worth 5,000 gp that must be kept on the person of the protected creature for the duration of the spell. If it is removed, lost, or destroyed, the spell ends immediately. The stone can be reused.

Notes: Uncommon or rare spell (WoG).
