- For other Birds, see Bird.
These great birds soar over the high peaks of Kharolis, making their nests among the in accessible reaches of the Anviltops. Throughout the centuries they have developed a wary respect for the dwarves. It is a feeling that the inhabitants of Thorbardin return in equal measure.
Raptors soar above the mountains, keeping a careful watch over their realm, reacting angrily to any intrusion that threatens the peace. Many of these courageous birds perished during the War of the Lance. The remainder have become even more reclusive and suspicious.
The raptor can strike with its beak when in flight or on the ground. It can strike with each of its powerful claws, but only during a round when it settles to earth. Thus. the claw attack can only be made once every three rounds.
An adult raptor is powerful enough to lift a full-grown human or dwarf into the air, though its movement slows to 18.