Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Ranger.
Ability Requirements: Strength 14, Dexterity 14, Constitution 15, Wisdom 15
Prime Requisite: Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom
Allowed Races: All except dwarf and mul

The role of the ranger is largely unchanged-even in the alien wilderness of Athas. Harsh and unforgiving, this world calls for skilled and capable people to master its ways. The ranger more than answers that challenge, living a rugged life through clever mastery of his surroundings.

A ranger's motivations can vary greatly. For instance, human rangers are often former slaves forced into the wilderness where they must learn to survive. Halfling rangers, on the other hand, play an integral part in their aboriginal society as advisers and trackers. Whatever their origin, all ranger characters are of good alignment.

Govern the creation and play of rangers as presented in the Player's Handbook, using the following exceptions:

  • A ranger can use any weapon or wear any armor; he can fight two-handed; and he advances in level as described in the Player's Handbook.
  • A ranger gains the tracking, move silently, and hide in shadows abilities as described in the Player's Handbook.
  • A ranger must choose an enemy species, gaining a +4 bonus to attack rolls when fighting against such a creature. Consult Chapter 7: Encounters for a list of possible enemy species.
  • A ranger is skilled at animal handling. His adeptness with both trained and untamed ani- mals is as presented in the Player's Handbook.
  • A ranger can learn priest spells when he reaches 8th level. At that time, he must decide upon a single elemental plane of worship and choose spells from that sphere (he can't use spells from the Sphere of the Cosmos, however). A ranger never gains bonus spells for a high Wisdom score, nor is he ever able to use priest scrolls or magical items unless specifi- cally noted otherwise in the item description. Further, while he can't enchant magical potions on his own, he can reproduce them using botanical enchantment (see Chapter 5: Experience and Treasure).
  • At 10th level, a ranger attracts 2d6 followers, but his followers are far different from those granted to a fighter or gladiator. To determine the type of follower acquired, consult TABLE XV and roll once for each follower.

Table 15: Ranger's Followers

1d100 Roll Follower
1-4 Aarakocra
5-8 Anakore
9-12 Ant Lion, Giant
13-18 Baazrag
19 Behir
20-25 Belgoi
26-30 Cat, Great
31 Dragonne
32-35 Druid
36-39 Ettin
40-46 Fighter (elf)
47-52 Fighter (human)
53-58 Fighter (thri-kreen)
59-62 Giant
63-68 Kenku
69-78 Lizard
79-82 Preserver
83 Psionicist (human)
84-90 Roc
91-95 Thief
96-98 Wyvern
99 Yuan-ti
100 Other wilderness creature (chosen by the DM)