Only necromancers use the rain of blood spell. It calls forth a cloudburst of deadly blood from the Negative Material Plane. The blood is sticky and red, far redder than any mortal blood. Where it strikes bare flesh, the rain leaches out vitality. The droplets remain on flesh for one round before caking into a gray dust and falling to the sand.
Every round that a character remains in the area of effect and is not completely sheltered from the rain, damage is taken. The exact damage is determined by the armor worn. Each creature suffers a number of points of damage equal to its Armor Class for every round that it remains in the area of effect. A successful saving throw will reduce this damage by one half. Creatures with a 0 or negative Armor Class take 1 point of damage per round. Dexterity-based Armor Class adjustments are ignored when determining damage.
The material component for this spell is a small vial of pure water that darkens and turns to blood as the spell is cast. As the last syllables of the spell are spoken, the vial is hurled into the air.
Notes: Restricted to necromancers, common for those from an Arabian setting; otherwise, very rare.