Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This is the junior wing of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart, organized to honor outstanding young paladins. Like the Most Noble Order, the Auxiliary is a social organization, though its members may occasionally be called upon to serve or assist their sponsors.

Requirements: A candidate must be at least 4th level. He must be sponsored by an active member of the Most Noble Order. Two Prelates must approve his membership.

Organization: Each Most Noble Order chapter has its own Auxiliary, consisting of no more than 40 members (15-20 is typical). A Chairman, elected from the ranks, conducts the Auxiliary's meetings; the Chairman is not considered a High Officer.

A paladin serves as a member of the Auxiliary for a five-year term. At the end of that period, he may renew his membership for another five years with the unanimous vote of all current Auxiliary members and the approval of two Prelates. Alternately, he may voluntarily retire to make himself eligible for another order. If he has achieved 9th level and meets the eligibility requirements, he may be considered for full membership in the Most Noble Order. A paladin is not eligible for membership in any order so long as he is an active member of the Auxiliary.

Emblem: A heart symbol, similar to that of the Most Noble Order, enclosed in a circle. The symbol is embroidered on a sash or painted on a shield.

Motto: "A loyal heart and a faithful spirit."

Benefits: An Auxiliary member does not receive the 500 experience point bonus, nor is he allowed to add an honorific title before his name; these benefits are reserved for order members only. However, he does receive the +1 bonus to his reaction rolls when he displays his emblem.

 Dismissal: Standard.
