This spell creates an immobile area of negative psychic energy that hinders the use of psionic abilities. Any creature trying to use or maintain psionic abilities in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. death magic. If the saving throw is successful, double psionic power points are required. Failure means that any psionic power use by the creature, other than a psionic defense mode, is negated. Psionic creatures outside the area are affected when projecting their powers into the area, but are not affected when using their powers elsewhere.
The area persists until as long as caster concentrates (up to half movement only is allowed), ending 1d4 rounds after the caster's concentration ceases. If the caster is killed, rendered unconscious, or is mentally incapacitated, the spell ends instantly.
The material component is the preserved, soft, porous body of a sessile marine creature.
Notes: Uncommon for mentalists; otherwise, very rare. (Updated from Polyhedron Newszine.)