Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell creates an immobile area of nega­tive psychic energy that hinders the use of psionic abilities. Any creature trying to use or maintain psionic abilities in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. death magic. If the saving throw is successful, double psionic power points are required. Failure means that any psionic power use by the creature, other than a psionic defense mode, is negated. Psionic crea­tures outside the area are affected when project­ing their powers into the area, but are not affected when using their powers elsewhere.

The area persists until as long as caster con­centrates (up to half movement only is allowed), ending 1d4 rounds after the caster's concentra­tion ceases. If the caster is killed, rendered un­conscious, or is mentally incapacitated, the spell ends instantly.

The material component is the preserved, soft, porous body of a sessile marine creature.

Notes: Uncommon for mentalists; otherwise, very rare. (Updated from Polyhedron Newszine.)
