Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

When the spell is cast upon an individual cur­rently receiving of any form of psionic contact, the individual instantly becomes aware of the location of the psionic creature initiating the contact. The psionic creature receives a saving throw vs. spell and, if unsuccessful, its identity is revealed (see spell components). If successful, its identity is not revealed, and it becomes aware of the tracer. If the psionic creature maintains contact, its location can be monitored until contact is broken. If contact is not broken first, the tracer lasts a maximum of one round per level of the caster. Note that the range is for the wizard's initial casting; the psionic tracing has no distance limit. Only one contact can be traced or monitored at a time. Tracing a contact requires concentration. The tracing individual can move at half speed and converse, but cannot attack or cast other spells while actively tracing; moving at full rate, casting spells, engaging in me lee, or receiving damage prevents tracing but does not end the spell. The tracer allows a tracing wizard to teleport to the psionic creature's location as if it was a place “studied carefully.” A wizard with this spell memorized can cast it instantly in response to a psionic attack, as if using a psionic defense mode. A previously declared action can be changed 10 the casting of this spell. An immediate initiative roll is made. If the caster wins, the spell succeeds. If the caster loses, the incoming psionic attack dis­rupts the spell.

The material component of this spell is a small, platinum mirror. The image of the psionic creature is revealed in the mirror if its saving throw fails; a silhouette appears if save is successful.

Notes: Uncommon for mentalists, rare for di­viners; otherwise, very rare. Optionally uncom­mon in the Dark Sun setting. (Updated from Dragon Magazine.)
