Psionic Strength Points (PSPs)[]
Psionic energy comes from within the character. This energy is measured in psionic strength points, or PSPs. When a character uses a psionic power, he expends psionic strength points. The exact cost depends on which power is used, and how long the character uses it. Note that PSPs cannot be lost because of sleep or unconsciousness; they can only be expended or drained (see various Powers and Monsters). - Errata from Mr. Steve Winter
The total number of psionic strength points that a character has depends on four factors: his Wisdom, Intelligence, and Constitution scores, and his experience level. Wisdom, Intelligence, and Constitution determine the psionicist's inherent potential (Wisdom is the primary factor). Experience determines how well the character has developed that potential.
Follow these steps to calculate a character's total PSPs:
- Find the character's Wisdom score on Table 5, then get his base score from that.
- Add the appropriate ability modifiers for the character's Intelligence and Constitution scores to his base score. This final adjusted number is the character's inherent potential.
Example: Rowina's ability scores are Wis 17, Con 16, Int 12. Her inherent potential is 25 (24 points for her Wisdom score with a +1 modifier for her Constitution score). At 1st level she has 25 PSPs.
Ability Score |
Base Score |
Ability Modifier |
15 | 20 | 0 |
16 | 22 | +1 |
17 | 24 | +2 |
18 | 26 | +3 |
Gaining Psionic Strength Points: Every time a character advances to a new experience level, he expands his total pool of psionic strength points. To determine how many PSPs he gains, find the modifier on Table 5 that corresponds to his Wisdom score. Add this number to 10. The result equals the total PSPs gained.
Example: Rowina has just advanced to a new level. Her Wisdom is 17. According to Table 5, the modifier for this score is +2. Rowina can add 12 PSPs (2 + 10) to her total pool.
Recovering Psionic Strength Points: A character who has expended psionic strength points can recover those points by "taking it easy" - which means engaging in no hard physical activity and refraining from using psionic powers (i.e., from expending any more PSPs). After each hour in which a character expends no psionic strength points, check Table 6 to determine how many PSPs the character recovers. A character can never recover more PSPs than he lost.
A character's rate of recovery depends on how much physical exertion he experienced during the hour in question. Psionicists recover the most points when they sleep or meditate for the entire hour of rest. Light activity, such as walking or riding, diminishes the speed of recovery. Rate each hour according to the most strenuous physical activity undertaken, even if it lasted only a few minutes.
Option: DMs may allow characters to recover points per turn of rest rather than per hour. These rates are also listed on Table 6.
Physical Activity | PSPs Recovered |
Hard exertion* | none |
Walking, riding | 3/hour (1 every 2 turns) |
Sitting, resting, reading |
6/hour (1/turn) |
Rejuvenating**, sleeping |
12/hour (2/turn) |
- * "Hard exertion" includes fighting, running, digging ditches, walking while encumbered, climbing a rope, scaling a mountain, exploring a dungeon, swimming, and any other activity the DM wants to include.
- ** This refers to use of the psionicist's Rejuvenation proficiency.