The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
With psionic sense, a character can detect psionic activity anywhere within 200 yards. Any expenditure of PSPs constitutes psionic activity, even if it is only to maintain a power. Use of the mind blank power is psionic activity, too, even though it expends no PSPs.
When the character makes his first successful power check, he learns whether or not someone - or something - is psionically active within range. If the psionicist makes another successful power check in the following round, he also learns 1) how many PSPs are being spent, and 2) where the psionic activity is occurring (direction and distance). If psionic activity is occurring in more than one place, the psionicist gets a fix on all of it within 200 yards.
Power Score - Second-round information is gained in the first round.
20 - This power cannot be used effectively for one turn.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power allows the user to detect psionic activity anywhere within 200 yards of his location. Any expenditure of PSPs constitutes psionic activity. The first successful use of this power reveals whether someone or something is psionically active within range. A second successful use of the power in the following round reveals how powerful the activity is and where the psionic activity is taking place (direction and distance). If psionic activity is occurring in more than one location within the range, the user detects all of it.
Power levels are as follows: low psionic activity (1 to 5 PSPs per round); 2) moderate psionic activity (6 to 12 PSPs per round); and 3) high psionic activity (13+ PSPs per round).