Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Psionic blast is a wave of brain force which can jolt a subject's mind like a piece of shocking news. This is one of the five telepathic attacks used to establish contact with another psionicist (an illithid's mind blast is not the same).

If this power is used against a mind that has already been contacted, the subject must save vs. death. Failure means he loses 80% of his remaining hit points, but only in his mind. The hit points are still there; he only thinks they're gone. He will pass out when the remaining 20% of his hit points are gone (in his mind), but won't die unless all of them are actually lost. In any case, this effect wears off after six turns. At that time, an unconscious character awakens.

This power has three ranges: short, medium, and long. At medium range, the psionicist's power score is reduced by two. At long range, it is reduced by five.

Power Score - A victim who fails his save passes out for one turn.

20 - No other effect.
