Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Proficiencies and Character Points Since Player's Option: Spells & Magic is part of the Player's Option series, rules and information for proficiencies are described in two formats: the system of slots and check modifiers described in the Player's Handbook and also in terms of character points for readers who are using the Player's Option: Skills & Powers rules. Players who wish to create characters using the material in this chapter should first check with their DM to see which system he wants to use in his campaign.

Under either system, characters with high Intelligence scores gain bonus proficiency slots or character points, based on their maximum number of languages. Generally, these slots or points can only be spent on nonweapon proficiencies. If this optional rule is in play, characters must use proficiencies to learn new languages, although all characters can speak (but not necessarily read or write!) their native tongue without spending a proficiency slot.

Proficiency Slots and Check Modifiers[]

Proficiency Slots and Check Modifiers

In the Player's Handbook proficiency system, a character who selects a proficiency must pay a listed number of proficiency slots in order to acquire that skill. The character's success chance equals the relevant ability score—Dexterity for the skill of tumbling, for example—modified by the proficiency's check modifier. If you are playing with this system, use the slots and check modifiers that appear on Table 37 : Nonweapon Proficiency Groups in the PHB or the proficiency tables in this chapter.

If a character selects a proficiency that is not within his character group or the general list, he must pay an additional slot to acquire the skill.

In the PHB , the proficiency spellcraft costs 1 slot for a wizard. The check modifier is Int - 2; for a wizard with an Intelligence of 15, the success number is a 13 or less on 1d20. If the character was a fighter who wanted to be familiar with spells, spellcraft would cost 2 slots.

Character Points and Ability Modifiers[]

Character Points and Ability Modifiers

Player's Option: Skills & Powers revises the proficiency system. Under these rules, the character pays a variable number of character points to acquire a skill. His success chance begins at the proficiency's initial rating, modified by a standard ability modifier based on the relevant score. If you are playing with these rules, use the CP cost and initial rating listed in Table 45 : Nonweapon Proficiency Groups in Skills & Powers, and then modify the character's rating using Table 44 : Ability Modifiers to Proficiency Scores (also in Skills & Powers).

Under the Player's Option: Skills & Powers system, spellcraft costs 3 CPs, and has an initial rating of 7. This is modified by +2 for a wizard with an Intelligence of 15, for a total rating or success chance of 9. Note that the Skills & Powers proficiency rules tend to compress character's success chances in the 8 to 12 range, but success at completely routine tasks is considered automatic—proficiency checks are only made for difficult tasks or adverse conditions.
