Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The use of nonweapon proficiencies in your campaign is highly recommended, especially if you are going to make use of the thief kits that we present in this book. Proficiencies are the best way to quantify the various talents that distinguish one thief kit from another.

This chapter is entirely devoted to nonweapon proficiencies. It includes a reference table with a complete list of proficiencies available to thieves, including several that are new. The new proficiencies are described below.

Table 1: Nonweapon Proficiencies—Thieves

Agriculture Ancient History Alertness***
Animal Handling Appraising Animal Noise
Animal Training Blind-fighting Astrology
Artistic Ability Disguise Begging
Blacksmithing Forgery Boating***
Brewing Gaming Endurance
Carpentry Gem Cutting Fast-talking
Cobbling Juggling Fortune Telling
Cooking Jumping Herbalism
Dancing Local History Hunting
Direction Sense Musical Instrument Information Gathering
Etiquette Reading Lips Intimidation
Fire-building Set Snares Locksmithing
Fishing Tightrope Walking Looting
Heraldry Tumbling Navigation
Languages, Modern Ventriloquism Observation***
Leatherworking Reading/Writing
Mining Religion
Pottery Survival
Riding, Airborne Tracking
Riding, Land-based Trailing
Rope Use Voice Mimicry
Weather Sense
* Proficiencies listed in this column are fully described in the AD&D® 2nd Edition Player's Handbook, pp. 56-65.
** These new proficiencies for thieves are described in the text of this chapter.
*** If the DM so wishes, these may be considered general proficiencies, available to characters of any class without additional nonweapon proficiency slot cost.

New Proficiencies[]

Each description below starts with the following information: the name of the proficiency, the number of slots required for its selection, the relevant character statistic (e.g., Intelligence), the check modifier for using the proficiency, and the thief kit(s) for which this proficiency is appropriate (i.e., required or recommended).

Thieves of any kit may choose any of these new proficiencies. However, if the kit is not listed as appropriate in the proficiency's description, then an additional proficiency slot beyond the number listed is required, just as if the proficiency were restricted to another class (cf. Player's Handbook, p. 54). This is why a "# of slots required" is always listed, even though a given proficiency may not cost any slots to thieves who take certain kits.
