Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also The Psionicist Group (POSP).


Psionic powers function like proficiencies, but they do not replace them. Psionicists can learn the usual weapon and nonweapon proficiencies regardless of their powers. Proficiencies are acquired at the rate shown on Table 10.

Psionicists can learn a weapon proficiency for any weapon they can use. They can learn any nonweapon proficiency from the "General" group (see proficiency rules in the AD&D® 2nd Edition Player's Handbook, page 54, Table 37) or from the Psionicist group, described below.

If the optional proficiency rules in the Player's Handbook are in use, psionicists can gain extra nonweapon proficiency slots based on their intelligence scores. See Table 4, "intelligence" in the Player's Handbook to determine these bonus proficiencies (Chapter 5, page 16). Characters can use these extra slots for languages or nonweapon proficiencies, but never additional psionic powers.

Table 10: Proficiency Slots

Group Initial #Levels Penalty Initial #Levels
Psionicist 2 5 -4 3 3

Initial refers to the number of weapon or nonweapon proficiency slots received by psionicists at 1st level.

# Levels indicates how many levels a psionicist must advance before he receives a new weapon or nonweapon proficiency. Thus, psionicists receive a new weapon proficiency every five levels-i.e., at levels 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. They receive a new nonweapon proficiency every three levels-i.e., at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

Penalty is the modifier to a psionicist's attack rolls when he fights using a weapon he isn't proficient with. This penalty is subtracted directly from the character's rolls to hit.

The Psionicist Group: Table 11 lists seven nonweapon proficiencies which psionicists can easily learn. These proficiencies - the "Psionicist group" - are an extension of Table 37 in the AD&D® 2nd Edition Player's Handbook.

Table 11: Psionicist Nonweapon Proficiencies

Proficiency # Slots
Gem Cutting 2 Dex-2
Harness Subconscious 2 Wis-1
Hypnosis 1 Cha -2
Rejuvenation 1 Wis -1
Meditative Focus 1 Wis +1
Musical Instrument 1 Dex - 1
Reading/Writing 1 Int +1
Religion 1 Wis +0