The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
A probe is similar to ESP (a telepathic devotion), but a probe allows psionicists to dig much deeper into a subject's subconscious. If the subject fails a saving throw vs. spells, then all his memories and knowledge are accessible to the prober - from memories deep below the surface to those still fresh in the subject's mind. The information gained is not necessarily true, but it is true as far as the subject knows.
The telepath can learn the answer to one question per round. DMs have some discretion in determining this rate. If the telepath's questions (or the answers) become too complicated, each may take longer than one round to resolve.
Telepaths can probe a subject who is conscious, as well as one who resists. A probe can even be carried out in the midst of melee, provided the telepath can get close enough. If a probed wizard or cleric tries casting a spell, the telepath knows both that a spell is being cast and what the general effects of that spell are.
Power Score - Two questions may be asked per round and the psionicist knows of their validity.
20 - The subject knows about the probe attempt and is not pleased.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power only can be used against an open mind. With it, the user can dig deeply into a target's subconscious. If the target fails a saving throw vs. spell, then all of his memories and knowledge are accessible to the user—from memories deep below the surface to those still fresh in the target's mind. The information is true (or at least the target believes it to be true).
A probe can be tried during melee if the user is close enough and the target's mind is opened. The user knows when a probed spellcaster is casting a spell and what the general effects of that spell are. The user can learn the answer to one question per round, though DMs can alter this rate. Complex questions and answers may take longer than a round to resolve. The PSP cost is per the target's level, as shown below.
Target's Level PSP Cost 1–5 levels or HD 8/4 6–10 levels or HD 9/5 11–15 levels or HD 10/5 16–20 levels or HD 11/6 21+ levels or HD 13/7