With probability travel, a psionicist can traverse the astral plane physically as if he's in astral form. This power has a distinct advantage over magical astral travel. When a wizard uses the astral spell, he forms an astral body, which remains connected to his material body by a silvery cord. In contrast, a psionicist using probability travel never leaves his physical form; he brings it along. He has no cord, so, unlike the wizard, he can never die because his cord has been severed. (On the other hand, he can still be blown to bits.)
The astral plane boasts nothing that would attract tourists, but its twodimensional color pools serve as highways to the outer planes. These pools, scattered randomly throughout the astral plane, provide connections to all surface layers of the outer planes.
Travel through the astral plane is speedy: 10 yards per minute per Intelligence point. However, distance on the astral plane does not equate to distance on other planes. After 1d6 + 6 hours of travel, the traveler reaches the color pool he sought. There is a flat 75% chance that this pool leads to the exact destination the character wants. Otherwise, it is at least 10 miles off target-maybe more.
The psionicist can take other persons (as defined by the charm person spell) along on his probability trip. Each passenger costs 12 extra PSPs initially, plus 4 extra PSPs per hour, and adds one-half hour to the time needed to find the correct color pool. Passengers must travel voluntarily; this power cannot drag a character into the astral plane against his will.
Combat on the astral plane is unusual. The traveler's physical body cannot affect astral bodies in any way. However, psionic powers do work against the minds of astral travelers. Most magical items do not work in the astral plane. Magical items which are keyed to a particular plane do function there, often with enhanced effect.
If the psionicist simply turns off this power while in the astral plane, he doesn't leave. Instead, he's stranded, unable to move except by physically pushing off of solid objects (which are extremely rare in the astral plane). He's also stranded if he runs out of PSPs or is knocked unconscious on the astral plane. The only exit from this plane is a color pool.
If you'd like to learn more about traveling on the astral plane, see the AD&D handbook Manual of the Planes.
Power Score - The color pool is right where the character wants it to be.
20 - The character attracts the attention of an astral creature, which may or may not be hostile, at the DM's discretion.