Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Any creature with an intelligence between 7 and 17 can receive a posthypnotic suggestion. (very dim or very brilliant creatures are not susceptible.) The psionicist plants a suggestion of some reasonable course of action in the creature's subconscious, along with the situation that will trigger this action. When that situation arises, the DM makes a power check against the psionicist's post-hypnotic suggestion score, with a -1 penalty for each day that has passed since the suggestion was planted.

A " reasonable course of action" is one that does not violate the creature's alignment or class restrictions. It can be something that he would not normally do, but if it is too strange, he just won't do it.

The maintenance cost for this power is a one-time-only payment, made when the suggestion is implanted.

Power Score - The psionicist's power score is not reduced for the passage of time.

20 - The intended victim is aware of the attempt.
