Faiths & Avatars Version[]
This spell transforms one entire plant per level of the caster into an animated, flying spear that flies to attack as the caster directs. The plants transformed can be of any sort, from clumps of moss or lichen to towering trees, but they must be alive for the spell to work. They are consumed by the spell. The spears can operate only within spell range and fly at MV 27 (A).
When the flying spears reach their target, they strike at THAC0 8 for 3d4 points of damage each. They wither and vanish whenever either their target dies or the spell expires, depending on which option is elected by the spellcaster at the time of casting. Otherwise, they move with and strike at their target once per round for the duration of the spell without any attention from the caster, who is free to work other magic or engage in other activities without affecting the plant lances. The spears remain categorized as living plants until they wither at the end of the spell's duration and so can be affected by magic that works on plants. They count as magical weapons +1 for purposes of striking creatures that can only be damaged by magical weapons.
The material components of the spell are the plants. Note that if insufficient plants are growing within range, the caster cannot generate the maximum number of spears that the spell affords
Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]
This spell transforms one or more natural plants into flying spears that attack as the caster directs. The plants can be of any sort, from clumps of moss or lichen to towering trees, but they must be alive for the spell to work. Up to one plant per two levels of the caster can be affected; thus a 7th level priest creates three spears.
Each spear attacks as a spear +2 hurled by the caster, inflicting 3d4+2 points of damage. A plant lance withers and vanishes upon striking, or at latest when the spell duration expires; it can be destroyed by a successful dispel magic spell as well. Otherwise, the lance moves with and strikes at the target without any attention from the caster, who is free to work other magic or engage in other activities.
The lances are living plants until they wither; thus, they can be affected by magic that works on plants. Because using this spell strips the local vegetation, druids use it with care; overusing the spell may result in divine censure.
The spell works on existing living plants in their natural habitat. If insufficient plants grow within range, the caster cannot generate the maximum number of spears the spell affords.
Notes: Granted by Chauntea, the Great Mother, of the Forgotten Realms setting.