Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This power allows the psionicist to reach into someone's mind and discover his greatest fear, then amplify it to the point of irrationality. A victim who fails a saving throw vs., spells believes he is imminently threatened by the object of this fear, even if it is completely absurd. A character with a fear of falling, for example, is convinced he could pitch over a cliff at any moment even while on an endless prairie - unless he stands absolutely still.

The reaction of the frightened character depends on the fear. He will defend himself if attacked (unless defending himself is somehow tied in to his phobia). A wizard may teleport away or use other spells to guarantee his safety. Other characters might freeze in place or flee for their lives. But all of their actions will be geared toward protecting against the fearsome object or situation.

This fear lasts as long as the psionicist maintains the effect. Once he stops, the fear fades back to its normal proportions, probably leaving the character slightly shaken and more than slightly chagrined.

Power Score - The target's save vs. spells automatically fails.

20 - The subject has no detectable phobias.
