This power allows a psionicist to shift his body's molecules into a different frequency of motion, making him ghostly and transparent to the unphased world around him. The psionicist can walk through solid matter; his enemies weapons will pass right through him, and no physical force or energy can harm him. He can be affected by other phased objects or creatures, though.
A phased character is not affected by gravity. He will retain any falling momentum he has, but when he arrives at the ground he is not harmed. He can move over solid ground at his normal movement rate, over water or quicksand at one-half normal, and through solid matter at one-quarter his normal move. He moves vertically at 10 feet per round. If the character fails to maintain phasing while passing through matter, he takes 3-30 points of damage, falls into a coma for 1 –6 hours, and becomes trapped in the Ethereal Plane.
It is difficult to achieve contact with a phased mind. Any psionic attacks suffer a —4 penalty on their power checks, and the psionicist saves at +2 versus any mind-affecting magic or effects. Of course, these same penalties affect the psionicist's own attacks while phased.
Power Score: The psionicist's phased movement rate doubles.
20: The psionicist saves versus death at +4 or disintegrates.