Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Ogres, see Ogre (disambiguation).

Ogre, Half-Ogre (Complete Book of Humanoids)[]

Ability Score Adjustments The initial ability scores are modified as follows:

  • Ogre: +2 Str, +2 Con; -2 Int, -2 Cha
  • Half-Ogre: +1 Str, +1 Con; -1 Int, -1 Cha
Ability Score Range (Ogre/Half-Ogre)
Ability Minimum Maximum
Strength 16/14 20/18
Dexterity 2/3 8/12
Constitution 14/14 20/19
Intelligence 2/3 8/12
Wisdom 2/2 9/12
Charisma 2/2 8/8
Class Restrictions
Class Maximum Level
* See table 2.

Hit Dice: Player character ogres and half-ogres receive hit dice by class. In addition, they receive 4 bonus hit points at first level.

Alignment: Ogres tend toward chaotic evil Half-ogres tend toward chaotic neutral. PC ogres and half-ogres may be of any alignment.

Natural Armor Class: Ogres have a natural armor class of 5. Half-ogres have a natural armor class of 8.

Languages: Ogre, orc, troll, stone giant, gnoll, common. Half-ogre player characters will nearly always have common as their native language.

Monstrous Traits: Size, appearance, bestial habits

Superstitions: Fear of sickness, fear of physical weakness, fear of the god known as the Destroyer.

Background: Ogres are big, ugly humanoids that stand over nine feet tall. Most are greedy, living by ambushing, raiding, and outright theft. They tend to be ill-tempered beings, nasty and very violent. Dark warty bumps cover their dead yellow hides. They have purple and white eyes, orange or black teeth and talons, and long, greasy hair that ranges in color from blackish-blue to dark green.

Ogres live by raiding and scavenging. They will eat anything. In the wild, they have a fondness for elf, dwarf, and halfling flesh. They use prisoners as slaves or save them for food. They have ravenous natures — they covet everything they see. As such, they can rarely be trusted, and they squabble over treasure even among their own kind.

Most ogres are a plague upon humanity. They constantly seek gold, gems, jewelry, and human and demihuman flesh. Few develop crafts of their own, and even fewer perform any form of productive labor for themselves.

Half-ogres: These are the offspring of ogre and human matings. They have much of the strength and size of their ogre heritage, but also retain much of the native intelligence and reason of their human side. Half-ogres stand between seven and eight feet tall, appearing as huge humans. The skin coloration that marks ogres is very much subdued in half-ogres: swarthy skin, lank hair and usually, but not always, human eyes.

Role-Playing Suggestions: The ogre that becomes an adventurer is very, very rare. It is very difficult for ogres to overcome their chaotic evil natures and their love for human and demihuman flesh. Those that do have rejected ogre society and morals, becoming outcasts in their own communities. They have turned away from their evil sides, though they often retain their chaotic natures.

Many ogre PCs are kind and gentle — at least by ogre standards. They befriend or are befriended by adventurers (see Chapter One), and decide to join the "tribe" of their new friends. As part of the adventuring tribe, ogre PCs will do their best to fit in and act like their companions, though mistakes and slip ups are bound to occur. They especially have a hard time containing their avaricious tendencies, wanting every piece of treasure the group stumbles upon.

Half-Ogres: Half-ogres have an easier time of it, for their monstrous sides are tempered by human thoughts and emotions. Except for their unusual size, they look much like ugly humans. This makes it easier for them to find a place in human society, even if they must hide part of their heritage. Half-ogre PCs should select a monstrous trait which emerges under certain circumstances in order to give them the feel of playing a humanoid character.

Special Advantages: Shamans (both types) have access to the spheres of combat, divination, healing, protection, and sun (PCs are not required to reverse sun spells if they are of good or neutral alignment).

Special Disadvantages: Ogres and half ogres take damage as large creatures. They have attack roll penalties when fighting gnomes and dwarves. Ogres are -4 against both, half-ogres are -4 against gnomes and -2 against dwarves.

Weapon Proficiencies: Club, goblin stick, halberd, spear, two-handed sword, voulge.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Drinking, eating, fire-building, hunting, intimidation, religion, tracking, wild fighting.
