Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Nybor's wrathful castigation is the most feared spell created by this Red Wizard. Like his other spells, it causes wracking pain and vi­olent convulsions. The target creature must make a saving throw vs. death magic each round that the spell is in effect. If any is a failure, the creature dies from the agonizing pain inflicted by the spell. A creature surviving the casting of this spell receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid suffering further effects.

This spell incapacitates an affected creature for 3d6 rounds. In addition, at the time of cast­ing, the caster can elect to continue inflicting pain for a number of rounds less than or equal to his level. All saving throws made by the victim during this time are at -6, except those made against the death magic effect of this spell.

Notes: Restricted to the Red Wizards of Thay and those trained by them; common or uncommon.
