Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

By use of this spell, a wizard teleports an­other individual 1d100 miles in a random direc­tion, as determined by the following chart.

Die Roll Direction
1 North
2 South
3 East
4 West
5 Up
6 Down

Transportation is instantaneous, and the indi­vidual is often faced with hostile conditions at his or her arrival point-water, solid rock, and so on. Those unfortunate enough to be trans­ported upward fall to their deaths unless some magical intervention such as feather fall is used, while those transported downward can only hope to materialize in a cavern or air pocket, rather than being encased in solid rock.

This spell was invented by the Zulkir Nybor to deal with troublesome peddlers. The “joyful” nature of Nybor's voyage refers to the joy of the spell's caster rather than that of its target.

Notes: Restricted to the Red Wizards of Thay and those trained by them; common or uncom­mon.
