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In addition to the new nonweapon proficiencies presented here and in The Way of the Psionicist, most of the proficiencies found in the Player's Handbook can be used in a DARK SUN campaign. However, these proficiencies have certain modifications that must be applied to them because of the nature of Athas. The modifications are detailed later in this chapter.

The nonweapon proficiencies available to the psionicist group appear in The Way of the Psionicist book, included in this boxed set. Players using psionicist player characters must refer to that book for specific information, rules, and proficiency descriptions.

New nonweapon proficiencies are listed in TABLE XXV, below, and TABLE XXVI lists proficiency group crossovers. Descriptions of the proficiencies follow. As in the Player's Handbook, the new proficiencies are listed alphabetically and include descriptions and rules for using them in a campaign.

Table 25: New Nonweapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Slots Ability Modifier
——————General Group——————
Bargain 1 Wisdom -2
Contact* 1 Wisdom 0
Heat protection 1 Intelligence -2
Mental armor 1 Wisdom -2
Psionic detection 1 Wisdom -2
Sign language 1 Dexterity 0
Water find 1 Intelligence 0
——————Warrior Group——————
Armor optimization 1 Dexterity -2
Tactics 1 Intelligence -1
Weapon improvisation 1 Wisdom -1
——————Wizard Group——————
Somatic concealment 1 Dexterity -1
——————Priest Group——————
Bureaucracy 1 Charisma -2
Somatic concealment 1 Dexterity -1
——————Rogue Group——————
Information gathering 1 Intelligence Special
* Psionicist bonus proficiency and wild talent general proficiency. See The Way of the Psionicist for more details.

Table 26: Nonweapon Proficiency Group Crossovers

Character Class Proficiency Groups
Defiler Wizard, General
Gladiator Warrior, General
Preserver Wizard, General
Psionicist Psionicist, General
Trader Rogue, Warrior, General