Noble Psionicist[]
All humans and demihumans have some potential with the Way. but few are can afford a tutor. On Athas, learning and study of the mind is often a luxury reserved for the wealthy. The noble psionicist was enrolled in a rigorous training regime by his family when he was young. Many young nobles find the study of their own minds to be unpleasant work, but others stay with their tutors and develop into formidable psionicists.
Noble psionicists may be humans, elves, half-elves, or dwarves, and may be of any alignment open to psionicists.
Role: The noble psionicist is an aberration. His clarity of mind and self-discipline are seldom found among the elite of the Seven Cities. To his family, he is a sword to be wielded against their rivals. As head of the family, the noble psionicist possesses the wisdom and strength of mind to bring great success to the house's ventures. As an adventurer, the noble psionicist often has an agenda mapped out for him by his family. Whether he chooses to follow that agenda is his own business. Until he actually assumes the mantle of leadership, the noble psionicist is free to pursue his own studies.
Preferred Disciplines: Telepathy and Clairsentience are favored for their information-gathering abilities.
Weapon Proficiencies: Rigorous physical training is part of the psionicist's curriculum. The noble gains an extra weapon proficiency slot that may be used to learn martial arts or specialize in punching or wrestling (see "New Nonweapon Proficiencies" in Chapter Four).
Nonweapon Proficiencies:
- Bonus: Etiquette, heraldry.
- Recommended: Meditative focus, rejuvenation, harness subconscious, dancing, land-based riding, reading/writing.
Equipment: The noble psionicist understands that appearances must be maintained and buys the finest equipment. He must pay 150% to 200% (1d6+14x10%) the normal cost for any clothing or equipment to make it clear he is a person of wealth. If the character refuses to look the part, he will have a hard time convincing others that he is really a noble.
Special Benefits: The noble psionicist begins play a lot of personal wealth. He also has a family, clan, or estate to support him. If he wishes, he can live with his relations, enjoying a life of ease. However, a character who lives off his family will find that his family expects his loyalty in return.
The noble psionicist receives a +3 on reaction checks with any member of his culture who recognizes him as a noble. Many Athasians have no love for the nobility, but they have learned to respect and fear it.
Special Hindrances: As noted above, the noble psionicist must buy the finest gear at 150 to 200% of its listed cost.
If the character is living of his family and using his estate as a home base, his relations are glad to have him around and ask him for favors or support. At least once a week, the character will have to fulfill a family obligation. Obligations may include using his powers to spy on a rival house, touring the house holdings to make sure they are sound, or even attending the king's court as the house representative. The DM is encouraged to use this as a tool to reinforce good role-playing; a PC who uses house assets to equip his friends with steel weapons had better be prepared to pay for it with his time and effort!
Wealth Options: The noble psionicist begins play with 3d4 × 90 cp. He also receives a stipend from his family equal to 10 cp per month per character level.