Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Several of the warrior-kits described in the Advanced Warrior Types chapter mentioned new weapons appropriate to those warrior types. On the next page is a chart of all those new weapons; a little further on we'll discuss what they are and how they're used.

Many of these weapons have special abilities, bonuses and combat functions not reflected on the chart; these abilities help account for the high costs listed for some of the weapons.

Other weapons, particularly the bone and stone ones, seem to be of very limited usefulness. There's a reason for that, discussed a little further on in this section.

Missile Weapon Ranges

Weapon ROF S M L
Bolas 1 3 6 9
Chain * 1/2 1 2
2/1 1 2 3
2/1 1 2 3
Daikyu 2/1 7 14 21
1 2 4 6
2/1 1 2 3
2/1 1 2 3
Lasso * 1 2 3
Net * 1 2 3
Shuriken 2/1 2 4 6
1 1 2 3
Stiletto 2/1 1 2 3
Trident 1 0 1 2

The chain, lasso and net are included in the table above because their use, in combat, is much like a missile weapon. They have ranges related to the length of the chain, the lasso or the net's trailing rope.

The "*" means the weapon doesn't precisely have a rate of fire; it may be used as often as the character's level (and perhaps specialization) dictates for a melee weapon.

Use of These Tables[]

The fact that these weapons appear on tables in an AD&D® game product doesn't mean that players may immediately buy these weapons for their characters. These weapons are not commonly available, and may only be taken with DM permission... and that permission should depend on the character's origin.

You see, each of these weapons is appropriate to a certain culture (and to the Warrior Kits belonging to that culture); and each of these weapons is further described below, under the heading that corresponds to that culture or Warrior Kit.

If, for instance, your character isn't a Gladiator, he can't start play with a drusus. In fact, if he doesn't belong to a culture which has gladiators, never travels to such a culture, and doesn't even find a market with contacts with such a culture, he can never even get a drusus.

So the DM, and DM alone, decides how accessible each of these weapons is based on how many ties the campaign culture has with the culture that creates these weapons. Even if he says that there is contact, it may not be possible or easy for PCs to acquire these weapons; just because samurai visit the court of your king doesn't mean that they'd be willing to sell their treasured katanas, after all.

In short, acquisition of this type of equipment is left as an exercise in role-playing and adventure, in played-out game sessions, not as something as simple as dropping some gold pieces off your character sheet.

New Weapons List

Item Cost Weight
Size Type6 Speed
Arrows, Stone
Flight4 3 cp/1 1/10 M P 1d4 1d4
Belaying pin1 2 cp 2 S B 4 1d3 1d3
Bo stick4 2 cp 4 L B 4 1d6 1d4
Bolas1 5 sp 2 M B 8 1d3 1d2
Cestus1 1 gp 2 S S 2 1d4 1d3
Chain4 5 sp 3 L B 5 1d4+1 1d4
Bone1 1 sp 1 S P 2 1d2 1d2
Stone1 2 sp 1 S P 2 1d3 1d2
Daikyu4 100 gp 3 L 7
Daikyu arrow4 3 sp/6 1 M P 1d8 1d6
Attached 2 gp 2 S P 2 1d4 1d3
Held 5 cp 2 S P 2 1d4 1d3
Javelin, Stone3
One-handed 5 cp 2 M P 4 1d4 1d4
Two-handed 5 cp 2 M P 4 1d4+1 1d6
Bone1 3 cp 1/2 S P/S 2 1d2 1d2
Stone1 5 cp 1/2 S P/S 2 1d2 1d2
Lasso4 5 sp 3 L 10
Main-gauche1 3 gp 2 S P/S 2 1d4 1d3
Net4 5 gp 10 M 10
Nunchaku1 1 gp 3 M B 3 1d6 1d6
Naginata4,5 8 gp 10 L P 7 1d8 1d10
Tetsubo4 2 gp 7 L B 7 1d8 1d8
Sai1 5 sp 2 S P/B 2 1d4 1d2
Shuriken1 3 sp 1 S P 2 1d4 1d4
Spear, Long3
One-Handed 5 gp 8 L P 8 1d8 1d8+1
Two-Handed5 5 gp 8 L P 8 2d6 3d6
Spear, Stone3
One-handed 8 cp 5 M P 6 1d4 1d6
Two-handed 8 cp 5 M P 6 1d6 2d4
Stiletto1 5 sp 1/2 S P 2 1d3 1d2
Cutlass1 12 gp 4 M S 5 1d6 1d8
Drusus1 50 gp 3 M S 3 1d6+1 1d8+1
One-handed 100 gp 6 M S/P 4 1d10 1d12
Two-handed 100 gp 6 M S/P 4 2d6 2d6
Rapier1 15 gp 4 M P 4 1d6+1 1d8+1
Sabre1 17 gp 5 M S 4 1d6+1 1d8+1
Wakizashi2 50 gp 3 M S/P 3 1d8 1d8
1 This weapon is intended for one-handed use, and may not be used two-handed.
2 This weapon is intended for one-handed use, but may be used two-handed.
3 This weapon is intended for one-handed or two-handed use.
4 This weapon is intended for two-handed use only.
5 This weapon inflicts double damage when firmly set to receive a charge.
6 The "Type" category is divided into Bludgeoning (B), Piercing (P), and Slashing (S). This indicates the type of attack made, which may alter the weapon's effectiveness against different types of armor. See the optional rule in the Player's Handbook, page 90.