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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Faiths & Avatars Version[]

This spell creates a web of glowing, shimmering strands of silvery light. It affects one touched creature or opening (for example, a doorway or window) with a surface area of up to 1 square foot per level. This moonweb cannot be seen through except by priests of Selûne, the goddess herself, and the beings in its protected area, but it does not foil magical means of detecting or locating beings and objects.

Any being, weapon, or spell striking a moonweb is forced, violently and immediately, back to its source. This includes beings trying to circumvent such a barrier by means of dimension door or teleportation magics (which are drained and ruined by the moonweb). Weapon attacks directed at or through a moonweb rebound for full damage on their wielders.

Before rebounding, magical weapons do a moonweb 1 point of damage for each point of attack bonus (each "plus") possessed. A moonweb can be destroyed by inflicting 1 point of such magical melee damage per level of its caster upon it or by the application of a successful dispel magic.

Moonwebs repel globes of invulnerability and other magical barriers, but any contact between a moonweb and an anti-magic shell or any prismatic magic instantly destroys both spell effects in a spectacular burst of harmless blue sparks and crawling purple lightning bolts.

If the caster of a moonweb is on the same plane of existence as the moonweb whenever any being or object destroys it or tries to pass it, the caster gains a clear, vivid mental image of the offending object or being.

The material components of this spell are a piece of gray or silver hair from any source and a drop of holy water.

Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]

This spell creates a blocking web or a protec­tive cocoon of glowing, shimmering strands of sil­very light. The priest chooses the form the spell takes at the time of casting.

A) Web. As a blocking spell, it affects an open­ing such as doorway or window, up to a square sur­face area of 1 foot per level of the caster (thus, a 9th level caster can seal an opening measuring 9X9 feet or smaller).

B) Cocoon. As a spell of personal protection, a moonweb affects a single creature touched by the caster. The creature to be protected must be com­pletely encompassed (wrapped) by the area of effect, or the spell fails. Otherwise, both castings have certain elements in common:

  • A moonweb blocks the sight of all but priests of Selune and the goddess herself (in the cocoon form, the individual can see through it). The moonweb does not foil magical means of detecting or locating beings and objects.
  • Creatures and objects cannot pass the barrier, nor do magics such as dimension door and teleportation work (these are drained and ruined).
  • Any being, weapon, or spell striking a moon-web is forced, violently and immediately, back to its source. Weapon attacks directed at or through a moonweb rebound for full damage on the wielder. This includes weapons and spells used by a protected creature.
  • Magical weapons damage a moonweb before rebounding – these inflict 1 point of damage on the moonweb for each point of attack bonus (for example, a sword +3 inflicts 3 points of damage). The moonweb has 1 hit point per level of its caster, and dissipates when reduced to 0.
  • A moonweb repels a globe of invulnerability and other magical barriers, but any contact between a moonweb and an antimagic shell or any pris­matic magic instantly destroys both spell effects in a spectacular burst of harmless blue sparks and crawling purple lightning bolts. It can also be destroyed by a successful dispel magic spell.
  • A caster of a moonweb, if on the same plane as the effect, gains a clear, vivid mental image of any being or object that tries to pass or destroy the barrier.

The material components are a drop of holy water and a gray or silver hair from any source.

Notes: Granted by Selune the Moonmaiden of the Forgotten Realms setting.
