- See also Moonbeam (Priest Spell).
The moonbeam spell uses the power of Cerilia's sun and moon to paralyze undead. When a priest points a talisman at an undead creature and casts this spell, a beam of silver or golden light streaks toward the creature. If the creature fails a saving throw vs. spell, it remains completely paralyzed for the duration of the spell. Otherwise, there is no effect.
Originally granted to Ruomil's followers during the Battle of Mount Deismaar, the moonbeam spell has become a weapon against undead for many priests across Cerilia.
The material component is a reflective moon-or sun-shaped talisman (usually depending on the interests of the priest's patron deity). It can be made of glass, mirrored glass, highly polished metal, or polished stone such as hematite.
Notes: Restricted to the world of Cerilia, the Birthright setting; common for priests from that setting.