Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell enables its caster to create a stair or bridge from one known, visualized spot to another. The effect is a railless ribbon of glowing white translucent force like a glass strip that is from 3 to 20 feet wide as the caster decides (and able to vary in width over its length if the caster desires). It is a maximum of 15 feet per level of the caster long, though the caster may make it shorter if space is constricted. It can climb or descend and sticks to its endpoints unshakably, even if these endpoints are actually empty air above known ground features.

Beings walking on a moon path are protected as follows: They cannot be drained of abilities or experience levels (life force), they cannot be harmed by normal missiles, they are immune to all enchantment/charm spells (although they can sense enough of a spell effect to identify it for what it does), and they cannot fall over or off the moon path, no matter what force strikes it or them.

A moon path needs no supports, cannot be shattered or moved by any known force, and is stable enough to cast spells from. It vanishes if struck by a successful dispel magic, if the caster wills it to, or if it has been completely traversed by as many beings as the caster has experience levels. Otherwise, it persists for 1 turn/level of the caster. Beings on a moon path that expires or vanishes are subject to normal falling damage when they strike whatever hard surface is below. A magical barrier of the 6th or greater spell level stops a forming moon path or truncates an existing one where the two meet, but the caster cannot choose to banish only a part of his or her moon path in a similar manner. Loss of one part of a moon path has no effect on remaining parts, even if the loss cuts the path in two.

The material component of this spell is a handful of powdered moonstone.

Notes: Granted by Selune the Moonmaiden of the Forgotten Realms setting.
