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Many creatures in the AD&D® Monstrous Compendium series boast psionic powers. The text below brings those monsters up to date with the rules presented in this book. The creatures appear in alphabetical order (creatures from the Outer Planes are listed separately). Each entry is organized as follows:

Level-How tough the monster is, in terms of a psionicist's experience level.

Dis/Sci/Dev-How many disciplines the creature can access, followed by the total number of sciences and devetions the creature knows (in all accessible disciplines).

Attack/Defense-Telepathic attack and defense modes the creature can use. (Defense modes are not included in the total number of powers the creature knows.) Abbreviations are as follows:

Attack Modes Defense Mode
PB = Psionic Blast M- =Mind Blank
MT =Mind Thurst TS = Thought Shield
EW = Ego Whip MB =Mental Barrier
II = Id Insinuation IF = Intellect Fortress
PsC = Psychic Crush TW = Tower of Iron Will
Power Score: The creature's typical score when using a power that is not automatically successful.
PSPs: The creature's total pool of psionic strength points (the maximum available to it).
Type: The general type of powers the creature can use. Powers listed after this entry (if any) are representative; the list is not necessarily complete.
* Creatures always knows a power that is distinguished by an asterisk.


Psionics Summary Aboleth
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/
Power Score PSPs
8 3 5 16 EW, II
PsC, +1/
= Int 250

Type: Powers which control others or manipulate minds

Telepathy: false sensory input*, mindlink*, mass domination*.


Psionics Summary Couatl
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/
Power Score PSPs
9 4 5 18 Any/All = Int 1d100+110

Type: Powers that allow them to gain information, travel, or disguise themselves.

Clarsentience: aura sight*, all-round vision, see sound.
Psychometabolism: metamorphosis*, chemical simulation, ectoplasmic form*.
Psychoporatation: teleport, time shift.
Telepathy: mindlink*, ESP*, invisibility*.

Dwarf, Duergar[]

Psionics Summary: Dwarf, Duergar
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
= HD per level per level per level MT,EW,II/
= Int 12 x Mult

Type: Powers of defense, escape. and underground movement.

Clairsentience: feel sound, poison sense*.
Psychokinesis: molecular agitation*, molecular manipulation.
Psychometabolism: energy containment, expansion*, reduction*.
Telepathy: identity penetration*, invisibility*.

Grey Ooze[]

Psionics Summary: Grey Ooze
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
1 2 1 1 PsC/M- 13 1d100+20

Type: Creatures have only those powers listed below.

Telepathy: psychic crush*.
Meta psionics: psionic sense* (only to 60'. no cost).


Psionics Summary: Ki-rin
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
9 4 5 18 All/All =Int 200

Type: Control of the nonliving, travel, mind reading.

Psychokinesis: create object*, control flames, control wind.
Psychometabolism: shadow-form*, body equilibrium, ectoplasmic form*.
Psychoportation: banishment, probability travel*.
Telepathy: mindlink*, ESP*, false sensory input*.

Mind Flayer (Illithid)[]

Psionics Summary: Mind Flayer (Illithid)
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
7 3 5 14 MT/T-,
= Int 1d100 + 250

Type: Attack, mind control, travel

Psychokinesis: detonate, control body*, levitation*
Psychometabolism body equilibrium* (their only psychometabolic power).
Psychoportation: probability travel*, teleport*, astral projection*.
Telepathy: domination*, awe, ESP*, post-hypnotic suggestion*.


Tarrasque: These creatures are totally immune to all psionics.

Yellow Mold[]

Psionics Summary: Yellow Mold
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
1 2 0 2 II/Nil
15 1d10×05

Only sentient yellow molds (1 in 6 chance) have psionic powers. Such creatures are also immune to psionic attacks unless the attacker is being aided by one who can communicate with plants.

Type: Sentient yellow molds only have the powers listed below.

Telepathy: mindwipe, id insinuation.
Metapsionics: psionic sense (1d100 + 20' range, no cost).


Psionics Summary: Yuan-ti
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
HD -2 3/level MT,II/
= Int 15 × Mult
Clairsentience: danger sense, feel sound, poison sense*.
Psychometabolism: animal affinity* (snake), metamorphosis (snake), chameleon power*, chemical simulation*, flesh armor.
Telepathy: attraction (to snakes), aversion* (to snakes), false sensory input, inflict pain, invincible foes, life detection, phobia amplification*, post-hypnotic suggestion, repugnance (to snakes), taste link*.

Creatures from Outer Planes[]

All outer-planar creatures will be 1st level or greater when encountered. Telepathic attack and defense modes are listed in the order in which the creatures usually gain them. DMs should tailor an individual creature's repertoire of powers to its actual level, as desired.


Psionics Summary: Aasimon (only the 3 listed)
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
HD per level per level per level All/All = Int 354
  • Solar - All/All; 354 PSPs.
  • Astral Deva - PB,MT,EW,PsC/M-,TS,MB; 210 PSPs.
  • Planetar - All/All; 288 PSPs.

Type: Wide variety (nonhostile, except for control types).


Psionics Summary: Baatezu: (all 4 greater)
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
HD per level per level per level MT,II/
= Int 121
  • Amnizu - MT,II/M-,TS,MB; 121 PSPs.
  • Comugon - MT,EW/M-,TS,MB; 113 PSPs.
  • Gelugon - EW,II/M-,TS,MB; 166 PSPs.
  • Pit Fiend - PB,EW,PsC/TS,MB,II; 213 PSPs.

Type: Powers of control and cruelty.


Psionics Summary: Gith
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
= HD per level All/All = Int 1d100 + 150

Type: Powers of control and cruelty.


Psionics Summary: Mortai
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
20 All All All All/All 20 500


Psionics Summary[]

From The Complete Psionics Handbook
Psionics Summary: Tanar'ri (Greater: babau;
Lesser: succubus;
True: all but vrock)
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
HD-3 per level PB,PsC,EW/
= Int 130
  • Succubus - II/TS,IF; 100 PSPs.
  • Nalfeshnee - PB,EW,PsC/M-,TS,MB; 125 PSPs.
  • Marilith - PB,PsC/M-,TS,MB; 175 PSPs.
  • Balor - PB,MT,EW,PsC/M-,TS,MB; 250 PSPs.

Type: Powers of fire control, torture, shape change.


Psionics Summary: Titans
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
HD +1 per level MT,EW,II,
= Int 1d100 + 100

Type: All types of powers.
Note: Titans are immune to psionic attacks


Psionics Summary[]

From The Complete Psionics Handbook
Psionics Summary: Yugoloth (ony Arcanaloth)
Level Dis Sci Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
13 5 7 24 All/All = Int 1d100 + 200

Type: Powers of travel, combat.
Note: Lycanthropes never have psionic powers (except possiblly, in the Ravenloft campaign setting). Anyone contracting lycanthropy loses all psionic powers.
