Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Molecular rearrangement is the psionic equivalent of alchemy. By toying with an object's molecular structure, the psionicist can change its fundamental nature or properties. This power cannot create matter or mass from nothing, however. Nor can it change a material's state from liquid to solid, gas to liquid, and so on. It is best suited to converting one sort of element into another, but it can also be used for more complex operations - neutralizing a poison, for example.

Converting one element to another is usually a simple operation, in which one ounce of material can be changed each hour. Typical conversions of this type include steel to lead, or any metal to gold. More complex rearrangement, like changing a metal to glass or changing a wooden goblet to a ruby goblet, takes four times longer.

The creation of gold coins from other metals is possible, but it's no way to get rich quick. At the rate of one ounce per hour, it would take 16 hours about two work days - to change 10 copper pieces into 10 gold pieces, for a net profit of 9 gold pieces.

Molecular rearrangement is often used to create superior weapons. A psionically tempered weapon may receive a +1 on damage rolls (see "Weapon Quality" in Chapter 6 of the DMG). The process is time-consuming, however. For example, a typical short sword takes at least 40 hours to temper psionically. (The average short sword weighs 3 pounds, or 48 ounces, most of which is the blade.) A psionically tempered weapon does not automatically offer a +1 attackroll bonus. In order to receive that bonus, the psionicist must 1) have the weaponsmithing proficiency and 2) make a successful proficiency check when he fashions the weapon.

The psionicist makes his power check when the process is complete. If it fails, he did not waste all his effort. The difference between the character's die roll and his power score, multiplied by 10, equals the percentage of work which must be redone.

If the roll is 1, the item seems perfect but contains a hidden flaw which will cause it to break, or fail, or simply look wrong when it is put to use (the ruby goblet might leak, for example, or the sword might contain a soft portion which causes it to bend).

This power has no effect against living creatures weighing more than one ounce. Creatures weighing one ounce or less are killed if their molecules are rearranged.

Power Score - The new material is extraordinary (DM's arbitration). 20 - The item is seriously flawed and utterly useless.
