The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
This power allows the user to weaken the molecular bonds within an object or structure. When someone stresses the object or strikes a blow it, it snaps.
The psionicist can create a "breaking point" of approximately two square inches per round. Deterioration occurs across a plane (in two dimensions, not three). One round's work is enough to fatally weaken most small objects - e.g., swords, ropes, saddle straps, belts, and bows. Larger objects require more time, and DM discretion.
DMs must decide how vulnerable this power makes larger, oddly shaped items like shields or doors. They should keep in mind that an object need not be in two pieces before it's virtually useless. For example, a little boat with a cracked hull is unsafe at sea. And a shield that is split halfway across offers little or no protection; if successive blows don't shatter it, they certainly will rattle the holders arm unmercifully.
Power Score - Weakening occurs at twice the rate above.
20 - The item is strengthened. Now it requires twice the normal effort to weaken.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power allows the user to weaken an object's molecular bonds. When stress is applied to the object or a blow is struck, it snaps. The user can create one “weak point” of approximately 2 square inches each round. Deterioration occurs across a plane (in two dimensions, not three). One round's application is enough to fatally weaken most small objects (knives, ropes, saddle straps, bows, etc.). Larger objects require more time and are subject to the DM's discretion.
The DM must decide how vulnerable molecular manipulation makes larger, oddly shaped items (such as doors and shields). An object need not be in two pieces to be useless. A small boat, for example, is unsafe if it has a crack in its hull.