Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Molecular agitation enables the user to excite the molecules of a substance: paper ignites, wood smolders, skin blisters, water boils, etc. The list below shows what's possible, depending on how many rounds the substance is agitated.

  • 1 round: readily flammable materials (e.g., paper, dry grass) ignite, skinbecomes red and tender (1 point of damage), wood becomes dark.
  • 2 rounds: wood smolders and smokes, metal becomes hot to the touch, skin blisters (1d4 points of damage), hair smolders, paint shrivels.
  • 3 rounds: wood ignites, metal scorches (1d4 points of damage), skin burns away (1d6 points of damage), water boils, lead melts (damage does not increase after this round, but does continue).
  • 4 rounds: steel grows soft.
  • 5 rounds: steel melts.

Where items are concerned, allow saving throws against destruction, but add a +10 penalty to the saving throw number (this heat is quite destructive, coming from inside the material rather than outside).

Power Score - After round one, the rate of agitation doubles (3 rounds of damage occurs in just 2, 5 rounds of damage occurs in 3).

20 - An item belonging to the psionicist (chosen at random) is affected for one round.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power enables the user to excite the molecules of a substance, causing paper to ignite, wood to smolder, or skin to blister, for example. The degree of destruction is as follows, depending on the number of rounds the item is agitated:

  • One round. Readily flammable materials, such as paper and dry grass, ignite; skin becomes red and tender (1 point of damage); wood becomes dark.
  • Two rounds. Wood smolders and smokes; metal becomes hot to the touch; skin blisters (1d4 points of damage); hair melts; paint shrivels.
  • Three rounds. Wood ignites; metal scorches (1d4 points of damage); skin burns away (1d6 points of damage); water boils, lead melts. The damage inflicted doesn't increase beyond this round, but targets continue to suffer the 1d4 or 1d6 points for each subsequent round the power continues.
  • Four rounds. Steel grows soft.
  • Five rounds. Steel melts.

Magical items receive saving throws against magical fire, but a +10 penalty is applied to the number needed. The heat produced by this power is highly destructive as it comes from inside the item instead of outside.
