Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Powers & Pantheons Version[]

This spell creates an elusive mirage in the minds of its targets that beckons convincingly from the horizon, but never seems to draw closer no matter how they proceed. Unlike the optical phenomenon of the same name, an illusion created by means of this spell is not restricted to the depiction of a pool of water. Instead, by mean s of this spell, the spellcaster can create nearly any image he desires.

A mirage is subject to several constraints. It must appear on the horizon, although the direction is up to the priest. It cannot occupy more than a 45° arc of the horizon (vertically or horizontally). A mirage always appears fuzzy and appears to shimmer in the heat.

When cast, any target s within the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. spell or perceive the mirage. Even if a target is not facing in the direction of the mirage, a flicker appears in the comer of their peripheral vision, requiring them to make the requisite saving throw. If conditions are not appropriate for rendering distant objects fuzzy and for making them appear to shimmer, everyone within the spell effect receives a +5 bonus to their saving throws. Those who succeed at their saving throws see nothing unusual on the horizon at all. Those who fail their saving throws see the mirage envisioned by the spellcaster and cannot be convinced it does not exist while the spell effect persists.

In addition, if the mirage depicts something very desirable (such as a pool of water in a desert), as adjudicated by the DM, anyone failing the first saving throw must make a second saving throw vs. spell without the bonus mentioned above or immediately feel compelled to head toward the mirage for the duration of the spell.

A successful dispel magic spell ends this spell effect immediately. The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and several drops of water flicked into the air.

Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]

This spell creates an elusive mirage in the minds of affected creatures that beckons convincingly from the horizon but never seems to draw closer no matter how they proceed. Unlike the optical phenomenon of the same name, an illusion created by this spell is not restricted to the depiction of a pool of water. Instead, the caster can create nearly any desired image. A mirage spell is subject to several constraints.

It must appear on the horizon, although the direction is up to the priest. It cannot occupy more than a 45° arc of the horizon (vertically or horizon tally). The mirage always appears fuzzy and appears to shimmer in the heal. When the spell is cast, any creature in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. spell or perceive the image. Even a creature not facing in the direction of the image sees a flicker in the comer of its peripheral vision, requiring the saving throw. If conditions are not appropriate for rendering distant objects fuzzy and for making them appear to shimmer, those within the spell effect receive a +5 bonus to their saving throws.

Those who successfully save throws see nothing unusual on the horizon at all. Those who fail see the illusion envisioned by the easier and cannot be convinced it does not exist while the spell effect persists.

In addition, if the mirage depicts something very desirable (such as a pool of water in a desert), as adjudicated by the DM, anyone failing the first saving throw must make a second saving throw vs. spell without the bonus mentioned above or immediately feel compelled to head toward the vision for the duration of the spell. A successful dispel magic spell ends this spell effect immediately.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and several drops of water flicked into the air.

Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi deity Horus-Re of the Forgotten Realms setting.
