Mindwiping is a crude form of psychic surgery which affects the subject's IQ (it's like a temporary lobotomy). The telepath systematically seals off portions of the subject's mind, making whatever knowledge was contained there inaccessible.
When a mindwipe is attempted, the victim saves vs. spells. If he succeeds,
the mindwipe is thwarted for one round, but next round the psionicist can try again.
Each round of mindwiping has two important, immediate effects. First, it reduces the victim's intelligence and Wisdom scores by 1 point. Second, it reduces his experience level or hit dice by 1 point.
These reductions have considerable impact. All characters may lose languages or proficiencies and their magical defense adjustment. Experience level and hit dice losses affect everything except hit points. The victim keeps all of his hit points regardless of what is wiped from his mind.
Intelligence and Wisdom losses affect wizards and clerics as if those losses were permanent. Clerics lose bonus spells, their chance of spell failure rises, and eventually they cannot cast spells. Wizards suffer reductions in their maximum spell level, their chance to learn spells, and their maximum spells per level.
When the number of available spells at a given spell-level drops, a character must make an ability check before attempting to cast a spell of that level. Wizards roll an intelligence check. Clerics roll a Wisdom check. Both use current scores. If the check succeeds, the character can cast the spell. If it fails, he has forgotten the spell and can't cast any spell that round.
Mindwipe only seals off information; it doesn't erase it. All of a character's lost Wisdom, Intelligence, and experience levels can be restored through psychic surgery (a metapsionic science).
This power has no effect against creatures with neither stats nor hit dice.
Power Score - The victim doesn't get a saving throw.
20 - The power affects the psionicist instead of his intended victim.